Monthly Archives: December 2016

Amazon Resolution and other Eavents

The day after the last post, wherein the Amazon Customer Service rep was supposed to call me back, I called Amazon Customer Service again. I waited until about noon, which for the package arriving in California, would probably still be … Continue reading

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I got to call Amazon Customer Service again

I knew today was not going to be a great day from the moment I woke up. I didn’t know why exactly, but there were some contenders: Snow fall while driving a car that likes to slide in snow, catching … Continue reading

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December Already!?

How can it be December already? Apparently my last post was about the return trip from Sandusky. A lot has happened since then, but nothing all too interesting. Over the Labor Day weekend Plonker and I decided to take another … Continue reading

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Ladies…learn how to date.

Do girls not know how to “date” anymore? I want to plan a night, get reasonably dressed up (appropriately), pick you up, take you out, then take you home when the night’s events are over.   No, I don’t want … Continue reading

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