Ladies…learn how to date.

Do girls not know how to “date” anymore?

I want to plan a night, get reasonably dressed up (appropriately), pick you up, take you out, then take you home when the night’s events are over.  

No, I don’t want to “meet up” somewhere.  

No, I don’t want to “chill”.  

No, I don’t want to “come in” after.

No, I don’t want to watch Netflix.  

No, I don’t want to “do whatever”.  

I want to go out on a legitimate, dinner and activity (no movies), hand holding, flower giving, conversation having, eye contacting date.  

When I ask a girl out, I’m not asking to meet her vagina, I’m asking to take her out.  I’m not saying I’m against first date sex, but going into it I’m kind of assuming it’s not happening.  If it happens, it happens, but for the love of Mike, when I knock on the door to pick you up, that’s not code for “I’m already wearing a condom”.  

When did dating become more about bumping uglies than actual dating?


About Plonker

Plonker is a balding, middle-aged, overweight male who hasn't exactly set the world on fire. In his "spare time", he can usually be found walking around his house completely stark naked, either eating something or touching himself. And, Ladies...he's single. Get at him! But not fat chicks. Okay, fat chicks.
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