The 2nd Annual Fujupz Bike Trip

I’m finally writing this up on the first day of the return trip. It’s been a busy week – 2 days bike riding, 5 days in Sandusky, and what will be 2 days riding again. Tomorrow will be the last day of the trip and hopefully the route isn’t garbage.

The very first day of the trip went fairly smoothly, though we did have a detour before Streetsboro, we ended up following it down to Ravenna and then West to Fairlawn. The last 7 miles were killer. It didn’t help I was fairly dehydrated by the time I arrived at the hotel. My plan was to do the Melt Challenge at Melt Bar and Grilled in Fairlawn, as our hotel was within walking distance. However, upon arrival I really didn’t feel like eating anything. I mean, I did eat… but apparently I was dehydrated enough that my mouth and throat were cracked, and everything I ate burned like hell. It got better after a couple of days.

Day 2 had me and Plonker changing roles… he had eaten decently during the first day and I didn’t, day 2 I learned my lesson and ate and drank enough, whereas he didn’t.  He made it, and we ordered food upon arrival at the hotel. We didn’t have a rental car until day 3.

The rest of the week was mainly random activities in Sandusky. We eventually got our rental car on day 3, which was good since our hotel was in the middle of no where. We stayed at the Hampton Inn on Plonker’s points, but this was the more Southern location, with no bars or restaurants within stumbling distance. Next time… next time.

Besides going to Cedar Point 4 out of the 5 days, we also did 3 days at the gym, 4 movies at the theater, 3 rounds of mini golf, and a trip to the African Safari. I’m not sure how “African” the safari was.. the Giraffe wasn’t out when we arrived. But the car was surrounded by Alpaca and some kind of deer the potentially were African..  I don’t know. They licked the windows.

Leaving is always the worst part about the trips. It doesn’t really matter where we go, just coming back to out home area is depressing as all hell.

We’ve also come to the conclusion that we need to have friend auditions. Anyone is able to apply, but the only ones that will get serious attention are those that are easy going, beautiful women, that aren’t picky eaters. Apply Today!

We’ve been out of our standard groove with talking with the people we meet on the trips. Normally waitresses, hotel front desk, or bartenders. We really didn’t hit any bars since we couldn’t walk to any, though I drank some one day since Plonker was driving. The waitresses have tended to be all business. Hotel Front Desk personnel tend to be all business these days too. Sometimes you find a talker, but that’s the exception. We had some fun ones last year.

I left a note in my room in Sandusky to the housekeeper to follow our adventures on And I heard from her! Awesome! I have trouble getting people I’ve know 20 years to read this site. We’ve been tossing around the idea of leaving/giving out promo items, like Fujupz dog tags, or other some/cheap item.

I brought my DSLR camera on the trip, though I’m still learning how to use it. I forgot to turn on the external mic a few times and got no audio for those. I also have the GoPro, so between both cameras and Plonker’s phone videos, hopefully I can cobble a decent movie together.

Until next time!

About Hoff

Hoff spends his time tearing things apart in the hopes of making them work better. Sometimes he's actually successful. In his "spare" time he likes to eat, sleep, and thinking of places to go to get out of this God forsaken hell hole of a valley. Also he likes to bake.
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