Monthly Archives: October 2017

Another Fujupz Trip Down

Back to work today after yet another Cedar Point trip. Basically this trip’s sole purpose was to go to HalloWeekends since neither of us have attended before. Also to get out of this shithole of a Valley we live in … Continue reading

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Whelp…at least we’re not home.

So, this weekend is turning into a true Fujupz journey.  Hoff and I made plans to head up to Cedar Point for Halloweekends.  If you haven’t attended this event (or been to the park at all), I highly recommend both. … Continue reading

Posted in Plonker Sez, Ramblings | 1 Comment

October is Upon Us

October is upon us… and actually has been for about a week and a half now. “I should write a post” I say as I can’t think of anything to write about. Another half assed-quasi political-economic post? No, no one … Continue reading

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Sports, sports equipment, spectators…

So it’s October, one of the best months of the year, and primarily for one reason…playoff baseball.  Hello everybody, it’s Plonker, your favorite friendly, handsome, caring, giving, douche and I’m writing about baseball! If you know me at all, you … Continue reading

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