Whelp…at least we’re not home.

So, this weekend is turning into a true Fujupz journey.  Hoff and I made plans to head up to Cedar Point for Halloweekends.  If you haven’t attended this event (or been to the park at all), I highly recommend both.  While I’m not easily “scared” by Halloween shit, I’ve been startled a few times and have heard quite a few screams.  As for the park itself, it’s hard to beat if you can make it a few times a year.  Get the Platinum pass…but I’m getting way the fuck ahead of myself.

As usual, Hoff & I make some amazing plans at the very last second.  Our plans (created over the course of three days, but solidified around 11pm Thursday night) were to wake up early Friday and start our weekend.  Hoff had taken the day off and we were to meet at the gym at 9am…or 8am…doesn’t matter.  If it’s “am”, chances are we aren’t going to make it.  Anyway, so we made plans to get to the gym in the morning, do about an hour of cardio, abs, maybe arms or something, and then head back to our homes to shower.  Meet again around noon, depart shortly after for Sandusky with a brief stop at Melt Bar & Grilled in Lakewood, Ohio.

Early in the morning Friday we agreed to skip the gym.  My legs were a bit achy from back to back days of bike riding and I just wasn’t feeling it.  Additionally, we both had to finish packing (which I was able to do by 10:15 give or take…a full two hours earlier than I usually get done!) so it wasn’t the end of the world.  Plan #1 – dead in the water.

As surprising at it may sound, we actually left about on time.  According to my calendar, we left 2 minutes later, which put us at Melt about 4 minutes late (detours due to construction and a u-turn when my watch/GPS stopped directing me added a few minuets), so that was pretty amazing.  The plan here was for Hoff to finally try the Melt Challenge that he has been talking about for 3 years.  You can see from the link it does look appetizing, if not terrifying.  After our failed attempt at the Chet & Matt pizza challenge, I decided to just order a normal meal.  I’m sure mine was somewhere between 2500 and 3500 calories…or maybe 4,000…  You know what?  It could’ve been even more because I had some fried green tomatoes first, and a cheesesteak grilled cheese, so good lord that’s got to be ridiculous.  But anyway, Hoff did indeed try the challenge.

Hoff’s Challenge vs Plonker’s “normal” lunch

I won’t ruin it for you, because I’m sure Hoff is going to write about it, but he didn’t puke in my car.  That’s all I’ll say.

Alright, so we’re up to the point where we drive to Sandusky.  We get all checked in to the hotel (separate rooms) and head over to the park.  Lines are a bit long, and we’ve become line snobs, so we end up riding one coaster (Blue Streak) and doing some of the “scary” activities.  They’re actually pretty good!  Some of the costumes and makeup is really well done, the lighting is nice, and for the most part these college kids do a damn fine job.  There’s just one problem…I’m dead inside.

We were in one particular area when a giant snake head appeared right next to me as we were walking…I didn’t even flinch.  Another time, someone swung a “knife” at me and…I didn’t even flinch.  Really the only one that made me flinch was the fucking clown in the freak show.  I hate clowns.  Hate them.  I saw IT and now I hate them even more.  They’ve freaked me out for years.  Fuck clowns and fuck their little cars, too.  Eventually, my lack of emotion or fear started to become humorous.  Guy with chainsaw?  “Let’s get it over with.”  Dude with a knife?  “Whatever.”  Someone jumping out at us?  “…hi.”  And Hoff is the same way.  We’re both about as emotionless as you could imagine, and I’m not sure if this is good or not, but here we are.

Anyway, so we end up back at the hotel late after a run to BP for drinks and McDonalds for “food” and I pass out shortly after eating said “food”.  Plans to wake up and do breakfast and the park on Saturday.

Saturday was here early (we both slept in, but me longer…go figure) and we did go for breakfast (yum) and to the park.  It.  Is.  Fucking.  Packed.  So much so, that we actually left around 1:30 to go catch a movie.  Yeah, we drove all the way up here to ride 4 rides (so far) and go see a movie.  The thought was we’ll let things calm down then go back when the ‘scary’ stuff opens at 6.  What could possibly go wrong?

What went wrong was that the park is slammed.  We had to wait in traffic going to the park, just to get back to the hotel so I could write this.  Now I’m not sure what’s on the plan for tonight.  We may end up at a different place with “scary” stuff, maybe we’ll go back late and try to do a few more things (I’d like to try Deprivation again, and some of the things we haven’t done) but nothing is set in stone yet.  We’re totally striking out on this trip, just like we do in real life.

…also my foot hurts again.


About Plonker

Plonker is a balding, middle-aged, overweight male who hasn't exactly set the world on fire. In his "spare time", he can usually be found walking around his house completely stark naked, either eating something or touching himself. And, Ladies...he's single. Get at him! But not fat chicks. Okay, fat chicks.
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