When I started this page, I wanted to have a “Projectz” section. The first iteration of the site had a Projectz page, that I only added to once…. which was preparing for Fujupz video with mics and audio recorders. That page actually still exists, there’s just no links for it. The original site wasn’t that great (unlike this prime piece of Real Estate! *crickets*), also updating it was a pain. I didn’t like the software I used to make it, and I decided to focus on the Blog aspect with the videos…. I swear, we’re going to make videos. And just just cycling time lapse vids! And yes, I know the “z” on Projectz is very 90’s, if you can find the original “About Us” section it explains where the Fujupz name comes from (it was in the 90’s).
Anyway, I work on a lot of mechanical… things. I’ll tear anything apart for shits and giggles, but when I need to actually fix something… I’ll still tear it apart. Million pieces. ALLLLL over.
I’m the type of guy that, once I know HOW something works, or at least the concept behind it I can usually figure out the issue. Just because you know what the issue is doesn’t always mean you can fix the issue, sometimes it’s more cost efficient to toss the thing and start fresh.
That being said, one of my biggest gripes is having an issue with something, usually a vehicle but not always, and you head to the Google and search away. That will usually lead to various discussion forums, sometimes with the exact issue you want answers to. They rarely give you an answer. In my experience, the results are usually:
- did you try the super basic thing that everyone knows about? (e.g.: is it turned on?)
- That is way beyond anything anyone is capable of doing, call the dealer/service tech/someone else that isn’t you.
- Why would you want to do that!? (This I came across a ton when I was trying to learn Base in OpenOffice. No matter what I wanted to do, that someone else wanted to do, which was an option in Access, the answer was always “Why would you want to do that!?” After that I dumped OpenOffice and bought Microsoft Office and learned Access. Maybe someday I’ll do some video tutorials of things I’ve learned).
- No Resolution. (“Thanks guys for all your ideas! I’ll try them and report back with the results!” *Never logs in again*)
Plonker added on when I was talking about writing this, which was the degradation of the thread to name calling and similarities to Hitler. I didn’t include that because I think that’s more reserved for Comments sections (and probably the Pilot Message Boards that Plonker used to visit).
So yeah, after running into that enough I felt that I wanted to have a Projectz page to highlight all the shit I work on, and maybe someone else will have the same issue and find some handy information. Originally I was going to do articles, with pics and all that jazz. I actually took a ton of pics for some early potential write ups, but there were soooo many. Everything has a lot of steps. I decided to abandon the article style projectz premise based on how long the article would be AND how difficult it can be to follow a how-to when you can’t see what’s going on. Don’t get me started on manuals that have shitty black and white (sometimes poorly copied) pictures. So the plan is for videos. But until I learn how to use my camera, I just made a Projectz category for the blog.
So yeah, amazingly we’re not just about bicycles and amusement parks here at Fujupz…. although, man, wouldn’t that be awesome?