Bike Trip 4.0 Day 4 Recap

Day 4 ended in Columbus. It wasn’t so bad.

We had 2 days of over 60 miles and then were treated with a 40 mile day. Day 4 went to a little over 50 and would break our record for the number of long distance trips in a row.

It ended up being not bad. Most of the route was trail and where it wasn’t it was relatively flat. We had a detour, mainly due to the route creation software saying I could make a certain turn where I couldn’t. But it worked out because it was an official bike route and took up exactly where we were headed anyway.

Even heading into Columbus the trail was great. A lot of twists and turns, wooded areas. It was nicer than the ones we have at home, although there are a lot of smelly areas. One area smelled like a baby diaper… for a few miles. Other areas had their own stank.

We made better time than the previous days reaching the hotel around 4:30. We reached Mount Vernon a little sooner in the day but it was also a shorter route.

We went to The Elevator Brewery and Draught Haus. We weren’t sure if it was going to be open. It was, but they closed at 8:30 and it wasn’t very busy. There were no other restaurants open to dine in close to the hotel except the Indian place, but I’m not sure about Indian food.

After getting to the hotel I could barely keep my eyes open, setting up some processes on the time lapse pics then passing out until the morning. I’m feeling a little sluggish this morning, but I think I’ll feel better once I get on the road.

Today we’re headed for Xenia. It looks to be mostly trail, though the elevation chart I have doesn’t look so great. It’s about a 57 mile trip and weather looks like it should be nice.

About Hoff

Hoff spends his time tearing things apart in the hopes of making them work better. Sometimes he's actually successful. In his "spare" time he likes to eat, sleep, and thinking of places to go to get out of this God forsaken hell hole of a valley. Also he likes to bake.
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