Bike Trip 4.0 Day 8 Recap

Bellefontaine is pronounced Bell Fountain.

Leaving Springfield Monday morning that was still very little traffic. There are also no convenience stores in the downtown area, at least, not near the hotel. So we had to go on the trail a bit, then go off on some back roads to get to a Speedway.

The trail was fine to Urbana, the weather was nice. We stopped at United Dairy Farmers for ice cream and a snack. Shortly after the stop, white back on the trail, the paved trail ends and its a tar and chip trail that follows a long straight railroad track for something like 15 miles. It’s some of the most boring trail we’re followed this trip.

Overall it was an easy day and we made it to the hotel at 3:30.

Dinner for the night was Waffle House, which was a half mile walk from the hotel. I had been wanting pancakes for a few days at this point on the trip and had been oddly waiting for Waffle House for days. I noticed they had a Touch Tunes and Plonker started playing the likes of “MmmBop”, “Never Gonna Give You Up”, “Barbie Girl”, “TubThumping”, and “We are the World.” Usually he does that in Bars, since that’s where Touch Tunes usually live. Mind you, there was no music at all previous to this, so the confusing from the employees was great, but they did start singing to some of the songs.

There was a major storm front moving in with reports of 100 MPH winds rain in the Midwest. It looked like it would hit us around 10 pm. It did, but it was pretty disappointing. It was pretty windy I guess, and the rain was strong for about 20 minutes, after that it either stopped or was really light.

On the plus side it looks like the chances of rain today are minimal, although it’s probably going to be a cloudy day. It’s a 50 mile day to Upper Sandusky, all roads, and wasnt looking to get rained on the entire trip.

About Hoff

Hoff spends his time tearing things apart in the hopes of making them work better. Sometimes he's actually successful. In his "spare" time he likes to eat, sleep, and thinking of places to go to get out of this God forsaken hell hole of a valley. Also he likes to bake.
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