Fujupz.com gets an update

After almost a year and a half I’m finally doing something with the site!

I realized the other day that I haven’t posted anything in quite a while, but to be fair there hasn’t been a lot to post about. Normally the Fujupz annual bike trip provides a couple weeks of posts, but last years was a failure. We started riding, but Plonker had dehydration and leg issues so he bailed halfway through day 1. I made it to the destination that first day, and was going to continue on, but as the night went on sitting in the hotel room, I decided to end it.

We decided to do a road trip instead of a bike trip. We already had a few days worth of hotels booked, so we continued to where we would have biked. We’ve had a lot of people say we should just drive everywhere anyway, so I guess this was a good experiment.

Spoilers – It was not as fun. The fun is the challenge. Having an end goal that seems near impossible to achieve with our capabilities. Thinking you’re going to die on the side of the road. Thinking about where you went wrong in life. Then reaching the hotel and being amazed that you made it 60 miles and didn’t die. And then the celebratory dinner and drinks that night.

Just driving to the next location, which, this year, was about an hour or 2 away by car, left a lot of down time. Figure, you’re planning on being on a bike for 6-8 hours which takes the whole day with a huge dinner waiting after. But leaving in the morning for a 2 hour drive, to a city that had the only redeeming quality of having a hotel available when you were biking there, leaves nothing to do but waiting to eat. And eat we did! Or I did anyway. The steaks and wings were good, but it was an empty victory – reward for no work.

That would have been Bike Trip 5.0, but as a failure, the next will be 5.1. I’m still planning on 5.1 for summer of 2022. I’m not sure if Plonker is, but at this time, whether alone or both of us, I’m planning on a redemption trip.

Anyway, site update. My provider was updating the PHP version and I got an email to update my settings. I updated my settings, but then I got server issues. I contacted the provider and tech support changed the update back, but now the fujupz.com/blog would just open up to fujupz.com, which normally would open to /blog. But it would also open the original fujupz website that I made in a program that I no longer have and they no longer make. It’s old it what I’m saying. And if I manually went to /blog the server couldn’t find it. I could see it in the file manager, but the server couldn’t find it. Tech support couldn’t get it. I tried to reinstall wordpress multiple times but the server could never find it. If I manually added a folder and added a pdf, I could open the pdf.

I suggested trashing the original site pages, since they’re old and causing conflict. I did that. Still couldn’t open /blog. Also fujupz.com wouldn’t automatically go to /blog even though it was set up that way. And I couldn’t open /blog anyway – still couldn’t find it.

So I added a new site and tried to transfer the backed up original files over. After some dicking around I got the old theme back up, but the content wasn’t there. So I looked up how to change the wordpress database to a different once.

Mind you, over the last day I created new wordpress sites in hopes they would work, and they wouldn’t because of presumably PHP conflicts. But everytime I delete the site I still had the database. I still had the database from when I first started the site and deleted the original wordpress site from 2015! By the end of the day I had multiple databases. I knew which had the original posts in it.

But when I went to transfer the information over… the database was gone. I’m not sure when it was actually deleted considering none of the other ones were. My guess is one of the wordpress managing tools must have deleted it when I deleted wordpress in the tool. Which I find a little funny considering I made a back up with that tool, but it didn’t back up the database itself! You won’t back it up but you can delete it?

Oh well, it’s gone, time to start fresh, and relearn how this all works again!

About Hoff

Hoff spends his time tearing things apart in the hopes of making them work better. Sometimes he's actually successful. In his "spare" time he likes to eat, sleep, and thinking of places to go to get out of this God forsaken hell hole of a valley. Also he likes to bake.
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