Category Archives: Plonker Sez

So now we’re insufferable douchenozzles

Yes, that’s right.  We’ve moved up from just “asshole” to “insufferable douchenozzle”!

Posted in Plonker Sez, Ramblings, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

I’m back and bitchier than ever…

Hello all of you fujupz freakz and welcome to another edition of PLONKER SEZ.  I’ve been on hiatus (translation: I’ve been too lazy to type) but I’m here

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I am dead inside

I mean… Yep, that pretty much says it.

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A Christmas time self-reflection

Yeah, two posts in a week.  I’m recovering faster.  It’s almost like I’m 16 again.  You know, back then I could go 8, maybe 9 times a day.  Now I’m lucky if I can go

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Hey, it’s the south!

Ah, yes.  The beautiful “south”.  Hello again there Fujupz Friendz and welcome to the latest edition of Plonker Sez.  This one’s a long one.  Boy, if I had a nickel for every time I have heard that… Hit the thumbs … Continue reading

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