Category Archives: Plonker Sez

Whelp…at least we’re not home.

So, this weekend is turning into a true Fujupz journey.  Hoff and I made plans to head up to Cedar Point for Halloweekends.  If you haven’t attended this event (or been to the park at all), I highly recommend both. … Continue reading

Posted in Plonker Sez, Ramblings | 1 Comment

Sports, sports equipment, spectators…

So it’s October, one of the best months of the year, and primarily for one reason…playoff baseball.  Hello everybody, it’s Plonker, your favorite friendly, handsome, caring, giving, douche and I’m writing about baseball! If you know me at all, you … Continue reading

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Fantasy Sports…the fuck is wrong with you people?

I’m going to jump right into it this week and something tells me this one might piss off a good amount of readers.  Er…wait…this is fujupz…  This is going to piss off our reader.  Oh well. Seriously.  It’s time for … Continue reading

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Sex is overrated

Just a short ramble this week, er…month?  When was the last time I posted? Anyway, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out, if you read any post on this blog, that neither Hoff nor myself get it nearly as … Continue reading

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Plonker has a friend

Ello deh, you should be reading this in my Australian character’s voice. Yeah, I’ve got characters, so?  Sure, some people find that weird, others think I need to talk to a professional, but prostitutes are just too expensive lately.  Look, … Continue reading

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