Category Archives: Plonker Sez

Dating…for men with no confidence

So for those who know the real Plonker (trademark pending), they know I’m kind of a keep to myself guy.  At the same time, I’m an opinionated bastard and have no problem speaking my mind when asked, I just tend … Continue reading

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Hey, I have an idea! …fuck, shit, fuck, shit.

Hey…it’s Plonker.  In this Plonker Sez, you’ll be amazed…at how I leap from one train of thought to another to another.  I’m like that Discount Jennifer Lawrence chick in that ripoff of Hunger Games with the fat bitch from Titanic … Continue reading

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Plonker Sez – Enough with your diet bullshit

This should be good.  I’m exhausted, and I’ve been staring at tech pubs documents for the better part of 5 hours… Yes, that’s right.  I’ve had enough with your diet bullshit.  Adkins, gluten free, all carb, all fat, all sugar, … Continue reading

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Let’s do shots!

Plonker Sez. V. 1, E. B…or whatever Alright, alright, I’m off of my lazy ass…no, wait.  I’m actually on my lazy ass typing this.  But I’m actually doing a weekly update here.  So, you sick bastards, I just know that … Continue reading

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Plonker Sez – 1.1

Alright Fujupz maniacs, here we go. In case you haven’t noticed, and judging by the hit count you haven’t, we’re up and running here and it’s my duly sworn duty to come up with something to say on the regular. … Continue reading

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