Category Archives: Uncategorized

187.7 Miles

One hundred eighty-seven and seven tenths miles. That’s how long this fucking bicycle trip was. We spent 15 hours 33 minutes of “ass on the seat” time getting here, averaging just over 12 miles per hour. No, that’s not setting … Continue reading

Posted in Bike Trips, Plonker Sez, Ramblings, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Incompetence Everywhere

Hello there, assholes.  It’s your fat ass, balding, cavalierly perambulating friend Plonker again.  This time I’m here to talk to you folks, young and old, about incompetence.  I actually wrote this last November but apparently am so incompetent that I … Continue reading

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Since nobody else entertains us…

Whelp, I guess since Hoff posted, I should post too.  Hello there again!  It’s Plonker! *insert theme song here*

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So now we’re insufferable douchenozzles

Yes, that’s right.  We’ve moved up from just “asshole” to “insufferable douchenozzle”!

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I’m back and bitchier than ever…

Hello all of you fujupz freakz and welcome to another edition of PLONKER SEZ.  I’ve been on hiatus (translation: I’ve been too lazy to type) but I’m here

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