Incompetence Everywhere

Hello there, assholes.  It’s your fat ass, balding, cavalierly perambulating friend Plonker again.  This time I’m here to talk to you folks, young and old, about incompetence.  I actually wrote this last November but apparently am so incompetent that I didn’t hit the “publish” button. Wompwomp?

For those of you under 40, just continue ahead.  For those of you with one foot in the grave, the other at the home having pudding and pills, I’ll try to go slow.  Drag your finger from the bottom of the screen to the top, then lift, then Continue reading

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A Hoff’s Life – Vacation Day 1…. and 2

Well Plonker decided he wanted some alcohols, so we went to the only bar within stumbling distance of the hotel. We drank more then we have in months… combined. So like 4 drinks! I think I recycled that from twitter. Live with it.

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My Black Ink is Printing BROWN!

A few weeks back we had our Wide Format guy put in his his 2 week notice. When his 2 weeks were up we had yet to hire a replacement. Around the same time our Warehouse guy was on vacation. Both of which were jobs I previously held. It was a busy couple of weeks for me.

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Since nobody else entertains us…

Whelp, I guess since Hoff posted, I should post too.  Hello there again!  It’s Plonker! *insert theme song here*

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Times Flies When You Work All The Time

How is it already almost the end of July? I planned on at least doing a post right after Plonker’s last one… but I woke up and almost a month had gone by.

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