A Christmas time self-reflection

Yeah, two posts in a week.  I’m recovering faster.  It’s almost like I’m 16 again.  You know, back then I could go 8, maybe 9 times a day.  Now I’m lucky if I can go Continue reading

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Hey, it’s the south!

Ah, yes.  The beautiful “south”.  Hello again there Fujupz Friendz and welcome to the latest edition of Plonker Sez.  This one’s a long one.  Boy, if I had a nickel for every time I have heard that…

Hit the thumbs up and subscribe buttons at the bott—wait, that’s coming soon.  More on that later.  [Peter Griffin laugh] hehehehehe  Moron. [/Peter Griffin]

So Hoff and I were off on another adventure, this time to the great “south”.  Plans included a road trip to Charlotte to see Here Come the Mummies and eat BBQ.

…yep.  That was basically it.  And thank God because Continue reading

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An update on our Latex 360 printer

Back in November I posted about the blurry print issue on our Latex 360, if you haven’t read it it: Knock yourself out. Turns out the faulty ink level sensor wasn’t the end of the errors.

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Oh no! The Printer is Blurry!

Those of you that know me, so Plonker, know that I work in a print shop as Maintenance Supervisor… Head of Maintenance? Director of Maintenance? I can’t decide which sounds better, also I’m also the lone maintenance guy. I actually prefer that, and once you talk to the machine operators you’d understand why.

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Projectz Write Upz!

When I started this page, I wanted to have a “Projectz” section. The first iteration of the site had a Projectz page, that I only added to once…. which was preparing for Fujupz video with mics and audio recorders. That page actually still exists, there’s just no links for it. The original site wasn’t that great (unlike this prime piece of Real Estate! *crickets*), also updating it was a pain. I didn’t like the software I used to make it, and I decided to focus on the Blog aspect with the videos…. I swear, we’re going to make videos. And just just cycling time lapse vids! And yes, I know the “z” on Projectz is very 90’s, if you can find the original “About Us” section it explains where the Fujupz name comes from (it was in the 90’s).

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