Tag Archives: fatass

A Hoff’s Life – Vacation Day 1…. and 2

Well Plonker decided he wanted some alcohols, so we went to the only bar within stumbling distance of the hotel. We drank more then we have in months… combined. So like 4 drinks! I think I recycled that from twitter. … Continue reading

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Times Flies When You Work All The Time

How is it already almost the end of July? I planned on at least doing a post right after Plonker’s last one… but I woke up and almost a month had gone by.

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The 2nd Annual Fujupz Bike Trip

I’m finally writing this up on the first day of the return trip. It’s been a busy week – 2 days bike riding, 5 days in Sandusky, and what will be 2 days riding again. Tomorrow will be the last … Continue reading

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Can’t we just have ideas magically come to fruition?

It appears Plonker has been kicking my ass with blog updates, and believe me he won’t shut up about it. So what’s been happening in the world of Hoff and Fujupz HQ? Actually Fujupz doesn’t have an HQ. Fujupz be … Continue reading

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The Road to Sandusky – Days 3-5

Wow, has it been a busy few days. Day 3 started with the need of a rental car. Plonker called Enterprise to schedule a car until Sunday morning and a pickup, but he had called Enterprise National, apparently, so he … Continue reading

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