Tag Archives: fujupz

An update on our Latex 360 printer

Back in November I posted about the blurry print issue on our Latex 360, if you haven’t read it it: Knock yourself out. Turns out the faulty ink level sensor wasn’t the end of the errors.

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Oh no! The Printer is Blurry!

Those of you that know me, so Plonker, know that I work in a print shop as Maintenance Supervisor… Head of Maintenance? Director of Maintenance? I can’t decide which sounds better, also I’m also the lone maintenance guy. I actually … Continue reading

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Projectz Write Upz!

When I started this page, I wanted to have a “Projectz” section. The first iteration of the site had a Projectz page, that I only added to once…. which was preparing for Fujupz video with mics and audio recorders. That … Continue reading

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Another Fujupz Trip Down

Back to work today after yet another Cedar Point trip. Basically this trip’s sole purpose was to go to HalloWeekends since neither of us have attended before. Also to get out of this shithole of a Valley we live in … Continue reading

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October is Upon Us

October is upon us… and actually has been for about a week and a half now. “I should write a post” I say as I can’t think of anything to write about. Another half assed-quasi political-economic post? No, no one … Continue reading

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