Tag Archives: fujupz

The Road FROM Sandusky – Days 6 and 7

After the Day 5 post was written, we wholeheartedly planned on heading to Toft’s for some delicious ice cream. We, regretfully, did not make it. The pizza from the Pizza Challenge was too much. There was just not room for … Continue reading

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The Road to Sandusky… Day 2

Plonker and I left Lakewood yesterday morning, about quarter to noon. I still had a bag of Doritos that I had from the night before but had never opened. Plonker opened his, but only ate a couple. We had 50 … Continue reading

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The Road to Sandusky is…. all Hills. Day 1

Ahh yes, the fabled “Cedar Point trip.” Since we started riding bikes last year we’ve talked about riding them to Sandusky/Cedar Point. In fact, at originally we were going to make it last year, mere months after we started riding … Continue reading

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The Fujupz Crew is Getting Fit!

It’s happened. The entire Fujupz crew has joined the gym. All 2 of us. “But,” I can hear you say, “you ride bikes to stay in shape! Wouldn’t you rather be out in the world, out in nature, riding over … Continue reading

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Let’s do shots!

Plonker Sez. V. 1, E. B…or whatever Alright, alright, I’m off of my lazy ass…no, wait.  I’m actually on my lazy ass typing this.  But I’m actually doing a weekly update here.  So, you sick bastards, I just know that … Continue reading

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