Tag Archives: idiots

July flew by

This was a quick month. With the Kings Island trip moved up from July 21-23 to June 30- July 3, that left open a free weekend for July 21-23.

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This is the essence of Fujupz

For the last couple months we had the plan of going to Kings Island in Mason, Ohio around the 20th of July. We purchased Cedar Fair Platinum Passes (and the unlimited drink pass) for the first time this year, which … Continue reading

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Can’t we just have ideas magically come to fruition?

It appears Plonker has been kicking my ass with blog updates, and believe me he won’t shut up about it. So what’s been happening in the world of Hoff and Fujupz HQ? Actually Fujupz doesn’t have an HQ. Fujupz be … Continue reading

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The Road to Sandusky… Day 2

Plonker and I left Lakewood yesterday morning, about quarter to noon. I still had a bag of Doritos that I had from the night before but had never opened. Plonker opened his, but only ate a couple. We had 50 … Continue reading

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Plonker Sez – Vol. 1

Hey, Fujupz fans!  Plonker here with my first rambling incoherent post that Josh and I have come to unofficially call, “Plonker Sez!”  In this week’s post, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Florida for training on the Airlines and … Continue reading

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