Tag Archives: plonker

Bike Trip 4.0 Day 2 & 3 Recap

Day 2 ended miserably and Day 3 ended with with me drinking a lot. So the recap for them is being written the morning of Day 4.

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Bike Trip 4.0 Day 1 Recap

We made it to Alliance at about 6:15 after leaving Hermitage at 10:30.

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I’m Ready for the Next Bike Trip

It’s been a little over a month at this point from when we left for our Bike Trip 3.0 and about 10 days short from when we returned home from it. I’m ready to go on another.

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A Hoff’s Life – Vacation Day 9

It’s Tuesday and a little over a week since leaving our home valley.

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A late night rant, by Plonker. …with Mach 1 Golf

Hello there everybody (all 3 of you) and welcome to yet another edition of…PLONKER SEZ! The current time is 12:38am on Monday, August 13, 2018 and I had a day that I just had to share with you. No, nothing … Continue reading

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