Tag Archives: plonker sez

Sports, sports equipment, spectators…

So it’s October, one of the best months of the year, and primarily for one reason…playoff baseball.  Hello everybody, it’s Plonker, your favorite friendly, handsome, caring, giving, douche and I’m writing about baseball! If you know me at all, you … Continue reading

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Fantasy Sports…the fuck is wrong with you people?

I’m going to jump right into it this week and something tells me this one might piss off a good amount of readers.  Er…wait…this is fujupz…  This is going to piss off our reader.  Oh well. Seriously.  It’s time for … Continue reading

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Still single, ladies…

So I know it’s hard to believe, but I’m still single.  Yes, lonely, desperate, horny Plonker.  Imagine a fat and naked man, alone at his computer, elbow deep in chicken wings and porn.  That is the essence of Plonker. Yes, … Continue reading

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Ladies…learn how to date.

Do girls not know how to “date” anymore? I want to plan a night, get reasonably dressed up (appropriately), pick you up, take you out, then take you home when the night’s events are over.   No, I don’t want … Continue reading

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Dating…for men with no confidence

So for those who know the real Plonker (trademark pending), they know I’m kind of a keep to myself guy.  At the same time, I’m an opinionated bastard and have no problem speaking my mind when asked, I just tend … Continue reading

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