Tag Archives: plonker

Sure, it’s funny now…

So there I was… In this Plonker Sez, I’m going to tell you of three stories that are sure to have you saying, “what in the actual blue fuck, mate?”.  Let’s begin. NUMBER ONE These events happened in a lovely little town … Continue reading

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I get all the normal ones… /sarcasm

To quote Bruce Willis, “I don’t get it. I just don’t get it. And, I don’t like it. Where’d I go wrong?” I’m a reasonably good looking guy.  Yeah, I could lose a pound or 90, but who can’t these … Continue reading

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Guys, don’t get fat. Just….just don’t.

So where do I start?  Well, let’s start here…holy shit I’m out of shape.  So Josh and I decided today, since it’s 60º in January (which clearly puts to bed those rumors of that made-up “Climate Change” stuff) that we’d … Continue reading

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Ladies…learn how to date.

Do girls not know how to “date” anymore? I want to plan a night, get reasonably dressed up (appropriately), pick you up, take you out, then take you home when the night’s events are over.   No, I don’t want … Continue reading

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The Road FROM Sandusky – Days 6 and 7

After the Day 5 post was written, we wholeheartedly planned on heading to Toft’s for some delicious ice cream. We, regretfully, did not make it. The pizza from the Pizza Challenge was too much. There was just not room for … Continue reading

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