Tag Archives: sandusky

Another Fujupz Trip Down

Back to work today after yet another Cedar Point trip. Basically this trip’s sole purpose was to go to HalloWeekends since neither of us have attended before. Also to get out of this shithole of a Valley we live in … Continue reading

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October is Upon Us

October is upon us… and actually has been for about a week and a half now. “I should write a post” I say as I can’t think of anything to write about. Another half assed-quasi political-economic post? No, no one … Continue reading

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The 2nd Annual Fujupz Bike Trip

I’m finally writing this up on the first day of the return trip. It’s been a busy week – 2 days bike riding, 5 days in Sandusky, and what will be 2 days riding again. Tomorrow will be the last … Continue reading

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Can’t we just have ideas magically come to fruition?

It appears Plonker has been kicking my ass with blog updates, and believe me he won’t shut up about it. So what’s been happening in the world of Hoff and Fujupz HQ? Actually Fujupz doesn’t have an HQ. Fujupz be … Continue reading

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The Road FROM Sandusky – Days 6 and 7

After the Day 5 post was written, we wholeheartedly planned on heading to Toft’s for some delicious ice cream. We, regretfully, did not make it. The pizza from the Pizza Challenge was too much. There was just not room for … Continue reading

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