Tag Archives: sandusky

The Road to Sandusky – Days 3-5

Wow, has it been a busy few days. Day 3 started with the need of a rental car. Plonker called Enterprise to schedule a car until Sunday morning and a pickup, but he had called Enterprise National, apparently, so he … Continue reading

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The Road to Sandusky… Day 2

Plonker and I left Lakewood yesterday morning, about quarter to noon. I still had a bag of Doritos that I had from the night before but had never opened. Plonker opened his, but only ate a couple. We had 50 … Continue reading

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The Road to Sandusky is…. all Hills. Day 1

Ahh yes, the fabled “Cedar Point trip.” Since we started riding bikes last year we’ve talked about riding them to Sandusky/Cedar Point. In fact, at originally we were going to make it last year, mere months after we started riding … Continue reading

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