Tag Archives: sex

Sex is overrated

Just a short ramble this week, er…month?  When was the last time I posted? Anyway, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out, if you read any post on this blog, that neither Hoff nor myself get it nearly as … Continue reading

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I get all the normal ones… /sarcasm

To quote Bruce Willis, “I don’t get it. I just don’t get it. And, I don’t like it. Where’d I go wrong?” I’m a reasonably good looking guy.  Yeah, I could lose a pound or 90, but who can’t these … Continue reading

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Ladies…learn how to date.

Do girls not know how to “date” anymore? I want to plan a night, get reasonably dressed up (appropriately), pick you up, take you out, then take you home when the night’s events are over.   No, I don’t want … Continue reading

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