Tag Archives: still fat

Times Flies When You Work All The Time

How is it already almost the end of July? I planned on at least doing a post right after Plonker’s last one… but I woke up and almost a month had gone by.

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July flew by

This was a quick month. With the Kings Island trip moved up from July 21-23 to June 30- July 3, that left open a free weekend for July 21-23.

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Can’t we just have ideas magically come to fruition?

It appears Plonker has been kicking my ass with blog updates, and believe me he won’t shut up about it. So what’s been happening in the world of Hoff and Fujupz HQ? Actually Fujupz doesn’t have an HQ. Fujupz be … Continue reading

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Another challenge…this means two things

F*^#.  Every time I turn a corner in this house, that’s either the word I say, or at least the word I think.  If it’s not wiring that was apparently done by someone drunk, high, or both, it’s ductwork that ends … Continue reading

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